The PT4 PTSD initiative was created by Melbourne based Personal Training company TRIPLE ZERO FIT.
The program was established to offer free personal training and programming to emergency services personnel and ESTA employees who are off work or on return to work programs due to PTSD/PTSI.
This is available to current serving and retired members.
There are numerous studies that have shown the amazing benefits of exercise to help manage depression and anxiety by increasing mood, reducing anxiety and improving self esteem. Physiologically speaking, exercise helps the release of proteins called neurotropic or growth factors. This causes nerve cells to grow and make new connections. The improvement in brain function makes you feel better. It is shown that people who are suffering depression have a smaller hippocampus, the region of the brain that helps regulate mood. Exercise helps support nerve cell growth in this area, improving nerve cell connection, which helps relieve depression.
It is recognised that the effects of depression and anxiety make it difficult for people to participate in exercise. In some circumstances the effort to get out of the house can be enough to prevent someone from taking part in group exercises or attending their local gym.
Every client has different needs. Short and long term goals are established to suit. Personal trainers involved in this program meet with the client and plan a program based on their individual requirements, restrictions and goals.
Personal training sessions can be held in their own home if needed, reducing the requirement to have to attend a gym. A program is then designed for the client and is monitored online to provide accountability, motivation and encouragement.
The initiative is designed to kick-start the clients exercise regime and set them on the path of managing their own health and fitness as well as reintroducing them to social exercise and sports participation.
Personal trainers are sought from all different areas and are allocated a client based on the area they service. The amount of time they volunteer to an individual is up to the trainer, however our minimum requirement is one face to face interview and program with weekly check ins. Our minimum standard of service ensures that clients aren’t abandoned during their phase of restabilising a relationship with exercise.
Our equipment library
We also have an equipment library that is also in it’s infancy to supply weights and resistance bands for clients to utilise at home, reducing any early out of pocket expenses. We rely on donations of equipment to stock the library.
The PT4 PTSD program was created as a supplementary therapy to help expedite the recovery time for clients, by assisting them reach their desired goals as well as promoting overall health and wellbeing.
To register as a client or to volunteer your services please email .