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The Code 9 Foundation provides a place of support for current & veteran professional first responders & 000 operators who live with PTSD, depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions that result from their service to the community.

This support is available both in the ‘virtual world’ as well as via organised Peer to Peer ‘Catch-up’ nights, Coffee meet ups and other formal events.

The path through mental illness can be an isolating and lonely road.   At Code 9 we reach out and teach one another that they are never alone in their respective journeys, and we protect, support and encourage one another to do what is necessary to recover.

Code 9 PTSD want all professional first responders to know, You're Never Alone. 

Support first responders

Help The Code 9 Foundation to provide more life saving assistance dogs to those suffering from PTSD as well as supply meals and much needed home support.

Your donation will assist The Code 9 Foundation in supporting the mental health of current and veteran first responders, 000 operators, and their partners and carers through a range of projects and activities.

What we do

Code 9 help first responders and their families directly by:

  • Offering a safe space for first responders to connect and receive support and advice.
  • Supporting families with meals
  • Providing mental health referral
  • Providing respite weekends
  • Facilitating mental health forums
  • Provide crisis accommodation
  • Providing peer support catch up groups, both in person and online
  • Sponsoring assistance dogs

We run regular fundraisers throughout the year

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Latest news

Real heroes don’t wear capes, they have wet noses and fur!

In company with Kate and Leanne from The Riddell Fudge Factory, we’d like to introduce you to two very special new members of our crew. Meet our sponsored assistance dogs Spencer and Gregory, who have joined us through the incredible team at Integra Service Dogs Australia (Integra). We will share the incredible hard work Leanne and Kate have done to raise the funds for these two dogs shortly, we know you’ll find their journey inspiring – we’re humbled to have them in our corner…

"...has brought me out of the isolation I encountered from my PTSD"

"This group with its meetings and Facebook messages has brought me out of the isolation I encountered from my PTSD. I have many new friends and even caught up with some old ones as well. Code 9 has been and is invaluable."  
- Police Officer

"I am never alone"

"If there's one thing this site has showed me, is that I am never alone. "  
- - Police Officer

"...the encouragement to climb into the light."

"This group equates to a strong rope ladder, thrown down the dark hole, and providing the encouragement to climb into the light."  
- Firefighter

"members are never alone during their struggles with this insidious injury"

"The Code 9 Group is a safe haven for its members to establish contact with other police and emergency services personnel who are travelling the same PTSD road. The shared experiences, knowledge and camaraderie help re enforce the notion that members are never alone during their struggles with this insidious injury."   
- Paramedic

"Code 9 - a safe haven"

"This group has given me a place to be me where I don't get judged."  
- ESTA Operator

"Pretty happy with the contact and camaraderie"

"Pretty happy with the contact and camaraderie, can't find it too many other places."  
- Police Officer

"Finding out it wasn't just me was huge."

“Finding out it wasn't just me was huge. Especially chats at the couple of meetings I went to. Just knowing that I wasn't alone was so important to recovering."  
- Police Officer

"The Code 9 Group is a safe haven for its members"

"The Code 9 Group is a safe haven for its members to establish contact with other police and emergency services personnel who are travelling the same PTSD road. The shared experiences, knowledge and camaraderie help re enforce the notion that members are never alone during their struggles with this insidious injury."   
- Paramedic

"I’m finally not alone."

"My life is pretty good. I have great family and friend support. I have a fantastic health team. We have a definitive diagnosis of PTSD and other illnesses and my multitude of drugs generally keep me well. However despite how well I was travelling with my illnesses, I was often lonely in my diagnosis. Ostracised from work I had no comradeship, no one to have a coffee with. After 23 years ther...
- Police Officer

"I encourage members to reach out if you are in need this page..."

To Don and the admins of C9 who have gone over and beyond to support a member of this page, I cannot express how great full I am for your supporting this member and the impact you have made on their life. The simple joy I heard when he returned home from hospital today I wish I could share with all members but am mindful of confidentiality. I encourage members to reach out if you are in need ...
- Friend of Paramedic