000-9000+ Step Challenge Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions
By registering for the 000 - 9000+ Step Challenge to support the mental health and wellbeing of emergency service personnel through the Code 9 Foundation you agree and abide by the terms and conditions.
Thank you for registering to participate in the 000 - 9000+ Step Challenge. This is a virtual fitness challenge designed to get you moving. The proceeds raised from this challenge will go to the Code 9 foundation to assist members of Victoria Police, Fire Rescue Victoria, Ambulance Victoria and ESTA 000 operators. All steps are counted, and this virtual challenge is designed to get people moving and encourages discussions about mental health support for this vital foundation that supports members with post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety. Encourage donations for the steps completed from friends, family and via social media, every little bit helps.
Participants eligibility
All participants are encouraged, if they have a pre-existing medical condition, to seek medical clearance from their doctor.
All participants should be over the age of 16 to be eligible, unless a parent/legal guardian has approved participation. If the participant is under the age of 18 parent/legal guardian should read and accept the terms and conditions.
COVID 19 Regulations
We want to ensure that every participant has a safe and enjoyable experience. Please ensure current COVID rules are abided by.
Donation and fundraising
Each of the participants has the authority to fundraise for The Code 9 Foundation once the registration form for the 000 - 9000+ steps has been completed. There are no minimum requirements for fundraising and all the funds will go direct to the code 9 foundation as the administration is run purely by volunteers.
Social media
As a participant if you could share your progress with photos and steps and encourage friends family workplaces to support you with a donation toward your goal in moving from 000 - 9000+ steps per day during the month of November 2022. The foundation may use some of the uploads to social media for promotions of future events.
Participants agree to take part in the virtual 000 to 9000+ Step Challenge entirely at their own risk.
The Code 9 Foundation committee can be contacted via the contact page on our website or Facebook messenger for further questions.
The Code 9 Foundation thanks you for taking the step to participate in the 000 to 9000+ step for PTSD awareness and support of the first responders who are on the frontline.
Good Luck and enjoy